Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Game Design

Game Design

Player’s Role
The player is Kid Luge who wants to be the best street luger ever.

Interaction Model
The player plays the game through the avatar Kid Luge who is riding a street luge.

The game is in third-person.  The camera would be centered in the screen behind Kid Luge.

The world is in 3-D.  The world starts at the track’s starting point and ends at the finish line.  The player follows the on path they are on.  There will be scenery walling them in.  If they run off the street they will explode.  Time is stuck in the same place, sunny afternoon.  The street that he will be riding on is in eighties California.  The setting will look like that area with similar landscapes and buildings.  There will be pop culture references in the background as well.

Challenges the Player Confronts
Human vs Self
Human vs Environment
The player has a challenge of controlling the speed of the luge and maneuvering the luge. 

Mechanics that Create Those Challenges
Obstacles on the road create the challenge of the game.

Actions the Player Takes to Overcome Them

The player must effectively steer, speed up, and/or slow down to avoid obstacles.  There will always be an opening to avoid obstacles.

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